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IIT JAM Physics Online Live

IIT JAM Physics Online Coaching

Course Overview

Our Physics IIT JAM Coaching offers live classes that take you step-by-step from theory explanation to problem-solving, ensuring you develop a strong foundation and the skills needed to tackle the IIT JAM Physics entrance exam. As you master the basics, you’ll learn how to apply core concepts to solve numerical problems effectively. We provide a comprehensive and conceptual coverage of the IIT JAM Physics syllabus, while highlighting key skills and concepts from the last 10 years of exams to enhance your understanding in real-time. Along with live classes, you’ll gain access to an extensive collection of IIT JAM Physics study materials, including problem sets, detailed solutions, and regular tests to monitor progress. This course also prepares you for other competitive exams like JEST, TIFR, BARC, DRDO, and central university physics exams. Join us for the best online coaching for IIT JAM Physics to excel in your exam preparation.

Course summary

Approximately 1-2 classes on weekdays and 2-3 Classes on weekends. Total 5 days of classes.

  • Duration of the course will be a minimum of 6 months; 9 months courses are also available.
  • Lectures will be taken by a team of experienced faculty.
  • After completion of the Syllabus, test series will be conducted before the exam.
  • There will be a weekly doubt clearing session.
  • Quality Improvement Programme (QIP) will be part of the course. It is designed by our subject expert in the view of exam patterns. It will provide the opportunity to revise the syllabus in the light of PYQs.

Study Material:

The Study Material includes both IIT-JAM, JEST, and other M.Sc. Syllabus along. Hard copy as well as soft copy of the material will be provided to the students.

  • It has relevant theory, concepts, and worksheets as well as chapter wise tutorials.
  • Previous year solved questions from IIT-JAM, JEST, and common topics of CSIR- NET and GATE    also provided.

Test Series

Test series are provided to the students on google form to check themselves from time to time after completion of a part of the syllabus and rectify themselves. Topic wise, chapter wise and subject tests will be conducted. Test series gives a unique chance to learn and improve.

  • Chapter Wise Test Series
  • Topic wise Test Series
  • Full Length Test Series.

IIT JAM Physics Syllabus - 2025: Comprehensive Curriculum Overview

The IIT JAM Physics Syllabus for 2025 covers a wide range of topics designed to help students master fundamental and advanced concepts in physics. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the key areas included in the syllabus:

  • Calculus: Single and multiple variables, partial derivatives, Jacobian, imperfect and perfect differentials, Taylor expansion.
  • Fourier Series, Vector Algebra, Vector Calculus: Multiple integrals, Divergence theorem, Green’s theorem, Stokes’ theorem.
  • Differential Equations: First-order equations, linear second-order differential equations with constant coefficients.
  • Matrices and Determinants, Algebra of Complex Numbers.
  • Newton’s Laws of Motion: Applications, velocity, and acceleration in Cartesian, polar, and cylindrical coordinate systems.
  • Rotating Frames: Centrifugal and Coriolis forces.
  • Motion Under Central Force: Kepler’s laws, Gravitational law, and field.
  • Conservation Principles: Conservation of linear and angular momentum, energy.
  • Rigid Body Motion: Rotations, moments of inertia, parallel and perpendicular axes theorem.
  • Fluid Mechanics: Kinematics of moving fluids, Euler’s equation, Bernoulli’s theorem.
  • Simple Harmonic Motion: Differential equation and general solutions.
  • Wave Equation: Traveling and standing waves, energy density, group and phase velocity.
  • Sound Waves, Doppler Effect, and Fermat’s Principle.
  • Optics: Image formation, lens combinations, interference of light, diffraction, polarization, and optical rotation.
  • Electrostatics: Coulomb’s law, Gauss’s law, electric field and potential, electrostatic boundary conditions.
  • Electrodynamics: Biot-Savart law, Ampere’s law, Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction.
  • Circuits: Simple DC and AC circuits with R, L, and C components.
  • Maxwell’s Equations: Plane electromagnetic waves, reflection and refraction.
  • Motion of Charged Particles: Lorentz force, motion in electric and magnetic fields.
  • Kinetic Theory of Gases: Velocity distribution, specific heat of mono-, di-, and tri-atomic gases.
  • Laws of Thermodynamics: Zeroth, first, and second laws, entropy, Carnot cycle.
  • Thermodynamic Potentials and Maxwell’s relations, Phase transitions, Clausius-Clapeyron equation.
  • Statistical Mechanics: Maxwell-Boltzmann, Fermi-Dirac, and Bose-Einstein distributions.
  • Special Relativity: Inertial frames, Lorentz transformations, time dilation, length contraction, mass-energy equivalence.
  • Quantum Mechanics: Blackbody radiation, photoelectric effect, Schrödinger equation, Uncertainty principle, wave-particle duality.
  • Atomic and Nuclear Physics: Bohr’s model, X-rays, Pauli exclusion principle, atomic nucleus, laws of radioactive decay.
  • Crystal Structure: Bravais lattices, Miller indices, X-ray diffraction, Bragg’s law.
  • Semiconductors: Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, p-n junction diode, Zener diode.
  • Electronics: BJT characteristics, amplifiers, OPAMP and applications, Boolean algebra, logic gates.

Sample Video Lectures

Sample Test Series

Sample Study Material

5/5 - (51 votes)
Duration Minimum 6 Months
Price 22,000.00

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