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IIT JAM Physics Pedagogy

We Cover your entire iit jam syllabus well in advance with a regular flow of live online classes. Online live tests and Mock Tests are held regularly to help you for iit jam exam & Regular mentoring by top Mentors from IIT/JNU.

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IIT JAM Physics Online Coaching

IIT JAM Physics Online Live

Minimum 6 Months
Course Overview Our Physics IIT JAM Coaching offers live classes that take you step-by-step from theory explanation to problem-solving, ensuring you develop a strong foundation and the skills needed to tackle the IIT JAM Physics entrance exam. As you master the basics, you'll learn how to apply core concepts to solve numerical problems effectively. We [...]
iit jam recorded video lectures for physics pravegaa education

IIT JAM Physics Recorded Course

Minimum 6 Months
Course Overview IIT-JAM Physics Recorded Video Course (RVC) + one-month live class consists of organized and scheduled videos, study material, and tests on google Forms and the google classroom portal. The videos are broadly arranged topic-wise and further classified chapter-wise. In each video, our experts discuss the topic in detail fully oriented for the competitive [...]
regular classroom coaching program course for iit jam physics

IIT-JAM Physics Regular Coaching Course

Minimum 6 Months
Course Overview IIT-JAM Physics Regular Classes proceeds from an explanation of theory to problem solving, helping you build a strong knowledge base and skill to solve problems asked in IIT-JAM Physics entrance exam as you discover how basic concepts are put into numerical problem solving. In addition to teaching the syllabus of IIT JAM Physics [...]
IIT-JAM Physics Weekend coaching Classes

IIT-JAM Physics Weekend Classes

Minimum 6 Months
Course Overview IIT-JAM Physics Weekend Classes proceeds from an explanation of theory to problem solving, helping you build a strong knowledge base and skill to solve problems asked in IIT-JAM Physics entrance exam as you discover how basic concepts are put into numerical problem solving. In addition to teaching the syllabus of IIT JAM Physics [...]

Frequently Asked Questions by IIT JAM Candidates from pravegaa.com

IIT JAM Exam is the Joint Entrance Exam conducted by one of the participating IITs for the candidates who want to pursue a Master’s, Joint MSc-PhD Programme from IITs, NITs, and IISc subjected to the criteria of the institute. Every year more than 50,000 candidates apply for this exam and before that many students have queries and confusion about the JAM exam detail. Even though the best answers are on the official site of the IIT JAM exam, we will try to answer a few of them.

Q: What is IIT JAM (Physics) exam about?

Ans: IIT JAM exam is conducted by IITs for graduate candidates in physics (B.Sc.)
and those who want to pursue M.Sc. in Physics.

Q: Is a calculator allowed during the examination?

Ans: No. A virtual calculator will be provided on the computer itself.

Q: Do engineering students appear in IIT JAM? What is their future after that?

Ans: Yes. But every institute has its own criteria. Candidates must check the
websites of all IITs and match the eligibility.

Q: Which NITs are best for M.Sc.?

Ans: I will suggest students go by last year’s cut-off on the CCMN website. That is
the best way to know where to take admission.

Q: Which is the best coaching for IIT JAM Physics?

Ans: Pravegaa Education is the one of the best coaching institute founded by Atul Gaurav & Dr. Alok Ji Shukla (having experience of more than 15 years)