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Our Teacher

Dr. Pooja Munjal


Dr. Pooja Munjal

She is an experimental physicist and has received her Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Mohali, Punjab, India in 2020. Her research interest span some interdisciplinary sub-areas to develop noise-free photonics devices with applications in different fields like healthcare, education, research, and industry.

Besides research, she is interested in teaching physics at the undergraduate and post-graduate levels. She believes in building the concepts by taking the examples from day-to-day life and then discussing how the principles of Physics are applied.

Lasers and Optics: 

The goal of this course will be to familiarise the students with the basic concepts used in optics. The course will start with the introduction to the Ray optics and how the light behaves on passing through optical elements like a glass plate, lens, gratings, etc. After gaining confidence in Ray Optics, we will move towards discussing wave optics. In this, Interference and diffraction of light will be discussed in great depth. In general, the concept will be built through discussions and solving simpler problems initially, and then practicing advanced-level problems.

Broadly, the following topics will be covered during course

  1. Ray Optics
  2. Thick lens, thin lens, and lens combinations
  3. Wave Optics
  4. Superposition Principle
  5. Interference of light
  6. Diffraction
  7. Polarization

The following books will be followed

  1. Optics by Ajoy Ghatak
  2. Lasers and Nonlinear Optics by B B Laud
  3. Lasers: Theory and Applications by K. Thyagarajan and A.K. Ghatak