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Self-Motivation is one of the important keys to success

Hi, my name is Atul Gaurav. I am a Co-Founder of Pravegaa Education, Delhi.  I always encountered the question of how one should lead himself towards success full of confidence and self-motivation. I’m trying to give an answer based on my knowledge gathered from reading books such as Working with  Emotional Intelligence by Danial Goleman, […]

Examination Pattern of IIT JAM Physics

The IIT JAM physics examination is one of the prestigious examinations conducted by IIT. The pattern of the IIT JAM physics examination is very scientific. The nature of the question of IIT JAM physics is conceptual and it also tests the acumen of the problem-solving technique of students. Method of examination The JAM Examination will be [...]
Online Live Classes

Online Live Classes

Hello students, I am Atul Gaurav, co-Founder of Pravegaa Education (P) Limited. In this blog, I am discussing the main features of our Online Live classes along with how our live classes are different from the ones in other institutes. After the covid pandemic, online classes are the need of the hour. Now the world [...]

Introduction of Team Pravegaa Education

Dear students thanks for believing in Pravegaa Education. I am Atul Gaurav the Co-founder of Pravegaa education. In November 2021, I and Alok sir became the co-founder of Pravegaa education. Pravegaa Education is a complete learning platform for physics for different exams like IIT JAM, CSIR-NET, GATE, JEST, TIFR, CUET, etc. Although our organization, Pravegaa […]

Advertisement for the selection of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF)

DRDO Young Scientist Laboratory- Cognitive technology is constituted of young scientists to doextensive research and development in the cognitive radio, cognitive radar, and cognitive surveillance fields. The lab has an association of eminent institutes like IIT, Central & State Universities, and other leading academic institutions. Lab invites applications from candidates having a strong desire to […]

Advertisement for the Post of Project Fellow/Project Associate-I

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the position of Project Fellow/Project Associate-I for the project entitled “Investigation of structural correlations at dielectric and magnetic ordering in transition metal oxides” funded by UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, Indore under the supervision of Dr. Kiran Singh, Principal Investigator in the Department of Physics, Dr. B. R. [...]