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Kinetic Theory of Gases

In this section we are providing pdf of Kinetic Theory of Gases which includes, Introduction of Basic Assumption of Kinetic Theory, Gas Law for Ideal Gases, Kinetic Interpretation of Temperature, Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution Law, Real Gases, Correction in Ideal Gas equation to achieve van der Waals gas equation of state

First Law of Thermodynamics

In this section we are providing pdf of Second Law of Thermodynamics which includes, Second Law of Thermodynamics, Heat Engines, Entropy

Second Law of Thermodynamics

Thermodynamics Potential

In this section we are providing pdf of Thermodynamics Potential which includes, Maxwell Relations, Different Types of Thermodynamic Potential and Maxwell Relation, Application of Maxwell Relation

Introduction to Statistical Methods

In this section we are providing pdf of Introduction to Statistical Methods which includes, Introduction, Binomial Distribution and Random Walk, Binomial Distribution, Calculation of Mean Values for the Random Walk Problem, Gaussian probability Distributions

Statistical Description of Systems of Particles

In this section we are providing pdf of Introduction to Statistical Description of Systems of Particles which includes, Specification of the State of a System, Statistical Ensemble, Basic Postulates, Probability Calculations, Behavior of the Density of States

Microcanonical Ensemble

In this section we are providing pdf of Introduction to Microcanonical Ensemble which includes, Definition and Entropy

Canonical Ensemble

In this section we are providing pdf of Introduction to Canonical Ensemble which includes, Why we need Canonical Ensemble approach when already we have Microcanonical ensemble in place, What is Canonical ensemble, Microcanonical ensemble of the combined system, Distribution Function of the Canonical Ensemble, Canonical Partition Function, Thermodynamic properties, Different physical systems in Canonical Ensemble, Para magnetism Quantum-mechanical

The Grand Canonical Ensemble

In this section we are providing pdf of Introduction to The Grand Canonical Ensemble which includes, Introduction, Relation of statistical quantities with various thermodynamical quantity, Derivations of the above results

Identical Particle

In this section we are providing pdf of Introduction to Identical Particle which includes, Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution, Energy Distribution Function, Fermi Dirac Distribution, Bose - Einstein Distribution, The Bose-Einstein Energy Distribution, Bose-Einstein Gas at High Temperature, Bose Einstein Gas at Low Temperature, Bose Einstein Condensation

Phase Transition and Low Temperature Physics

In this section we are providing pdf of Introduction to Phase Transition and Low Temperature Physics which includes, Third Law of Thermodynamics and Attainable of Low Temperature, Phase Transition, Second Order Phase Transition, Landau Theory of Phase Transition, Landau Theory of Second Order Phase Transitions, Ising Model

Random Walk Problem

In this section we are providing pdf of Random Walk Problem which includes, Types of Distribution function, One Dimensional Random Walk Problem, Ficks Law, Langevin Equation

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